Count All the Kids

Jeremy DavidsonMonday Memo

In the 2010, there were a large number of children with complicated and/or intricate living conditions, those living with grandparents or family other than their mom or dad and even children living between two households who were not counted and were missed in the 2010 Census.

To give you a perspective on what that means, if 1,000 kids are missed, that is over $1 million dollars a year, or $10 million in the next decade, of Shawnee’s share of education funding; school lunch subsidies and classroom needs that will go un-met. For the next 10 years. 

For us, this is our future workforce and they need these resources to grow and learn. Your role in help to alleviate this gap is to fill out your 2020 Census online when you receive your postcard in the mail mid-March. And remember to count all the kids.

If you aren’t yet getting the point, the Census determines how much funding our towns and cities receive each year for the next decade. 

That means it is CRITICAL that everyone is counted.  And we are trusting that you will all do your part.